The 2016 Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Artwork 17/134 (13%) 2.03 1.12
B Bless You Autocorrect! 12/70 (17%) 2.19 1.75
C Card Hand Sorting 23/77 (30%) 2.14 2.04
D Daydreaming Stockbroker 182/737 (25%) 3.26 2.92
E Exponial 3/47 (6%) 1.88 1.67
F Fleecing the Raffle 68/349 (19%) 3.14 2.53
G Game Rank 217/958 (23%) 3.74 3.59
H Highest Tower 3/38 (8%) 2.24 1.00
I Interception 0/7 (0%) 1.75 --
J Jumbled Compass 266/533 (50%) 1.98 1.95
K Keeping the Dogs Apart 11/95 (12%) 2.97 2.27